We are a full service

MEDIA Agency

Killerbrands Media develops and builds the revenue of parked (undeveloped) domains for their owners. We began with a few domains and quickly realized growth in traffic and revenues while similar parked domains experienced decreases in both areas.

Killerbrands first project was the development of MD.com which today boasts more than 700k monthly unique US visitors and provides its owner with significant monthly advertising revenue. Killerbrands focuses primarily on turning parked domains into revenue-generating websites.

Killerbrands develops and executes an engagement strategy to increase the value of your domain based on content and advertising.

Traffic Generation

We develop content intended to increase the number of visitors to your domain. More visitors increases the value of your domain. 

Revenue Generation

We provide you with a monthly revenue stream by establishing relationships with advertisers who pay to promote their products and services.

Web Development

We turn your parked domain into a website intended to increase your domain’s value by increasing your domain’s visitors and revenue. 

Our Latest Work

Take a look at some of the websites we’ve built, grow and market. We are continuing to add killer brands to our portfolio. Contact us if you’re interested to develop your parked domain and generate more site traffic and ultimately increased revenue.

Mattresses.com homepage
TiresDirect.com homepage
Quicksearch.com homepage